Rule: 64B12-16.009 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Required Sponsor Time Records
Department: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: Board of Opticianry

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 8/1/2019
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 484.005, 484.007(1) FS. Law Implemented 484.007(1)(d)4. FS. History–New 8-2-87, Amended 1-26-88, 9-30-92, Formerly 21P-16.009, 61G13-16.009, 59U-16.009, Amended 8-1-19.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Variances
variance and waiver filed by Patricia McCauley. Petitioner seeks a variance or waiver of Rule 64B12-16.004, F.A.C., Termination of Apprenticeship and Rule 64B12-16.009, F.A.C., Required Sponsor Time Records. Comments on .... 28773321 9/19/2024
Vol. 50/184
View Text Variances
variance and waiver filed by Yesenia Pagan. Petitioner seeks a variance or waiver of Rule 64B12-16.009, F.A.C., Required Sponsor Time Records. Comments on this petition should be filed with the Board of Opticianry, 4052 .... 27517753 9/8/2023
Vol. 49/175
View Text Final
Required Sponsor Time Records 22129694 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the rule amendment is to remove the reference to section 484.014(1)(g) and (f), F.S., from the rule text. 21948110 6/6/2019
Vol. 45/110
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to remove language no longer in use. 21886030 5/22/2019
Vol. 45/100
View Text Final
Required Sponsor Time Records 2449073 Effective: