Rule: 68D-21.004 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Criteria for Approval of Ordinances
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Division: Vessel Registration and Boating Safety
Chapter: Approval of Local Ordinances Establishing Boating-Restricted Areas

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 6/24/2021
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 327.04, 327.302, 327.46 FS. Law Implemented 327.302, 327.46 FS. History–New 10-6-10, Amended 6-24-21.
References in this version: Ref-13212 Florida Boating Accident Investigation Report - Form FWCDLE 146 (07/2010)
Ref-13213 Florida Boating Accident Self Report - Form FWCDLE 146C (07/2010)
Ref-13214 United States Coast Guard Recreational Boating Accident Report - Form CG-3865 (Rev. 09/18)
Ref-13215 United States Coast Guard Report of Marine Casualty, Commercial Diving Casualty, or OCS Related Casualty - Form CG-2692 (Rev. 07/19)
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Change
Requirements for Applications, Criteria for Approval of Ordinances, Seasonal or Year-round Boating Restricted Areas 28579418 7/26/2024
Vol. 50/146
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendments clarify the required application criteria, application review process, and notice and posting procedures for municipalities and counties seeking to establish boating restricted areas pursuant .... 28420629 6/5/2024
Vol. 50/110
View Text Development
The proposed rule amendments clarify the required application criteria, application review process, and notice and posting procedures for municipalities and counties seeking to establish boating restricted areas pursuant .... 28337597 5/8/2024
Vol. 50/91
View Text Final
Criteria for Approval of Ordinances 24662461 Effective:
View Text Public Hearing
In addition to the information published about this public hearing in the April 7, 2021 (Vol. 47/No. 67) Florida Administrative Register, this ....
  April 22, 2021 from 5 pm - 7 pm
  via communications technology, specifically Adobe Connect and ....
24422871 4/15/2021
Vol. 47/73
View Text Public Hearing
Proposed amendments to the application and approval process for ordinances creating boating restricted areas.
  At the Commission's regularly scheduled meeting, May 12-13, ....
  Miami, Florida - specific location to be published at a later ....
24394741 4/7/2021
Vol. 47/67
View Text Public Hearing
Proposed amendments to the application and approval process for ordinances creating boating restricted areas.
  April 22, 2021 from 5 pm - 7 pm
  virtually - via Adobe Connect. To join the meeting: ....
24394644 4/7/2021
Vol. 47/67
View Text Public Hearing
The application and approval process for ordinances creating boating restricted areas.
  At the Commission's regularly scheduled meeting, February 25 ....
  Virtual, via Adobe Connect and via the Florida Channel. The ....
24230326 2/22/2021
Vol. 47/35
View Text Hearing
Requirements for Applications, Criteria for Approval of Ordinances 24190265 2/9/2021
Vol. 47/26
View Text Proposed
These rule amendments will provide clarity regarding the application and approval process for ordinances creating boating restricted areas. 24101413 1/15/2021
Vol. 47/10
View Text Workshop
Proposed changes to Rules 68D-21.001 and 68D-21.004
  December 8, 2020, 5 pm - 7 pm
  virtually - via Adobe Connect. To join the meeting: ....
23940393 12/1/2020
Vol. 46/232
View Text Workshop
Proposed changes to Rules 68D-21.001 and 68D-21.004
  December 2, 2020, from1 pm until 3 pm.
  virtually - via Adobe Connect. To join the meeting: ....
23927492 11/25/2020
Vol. 46/230
View Text Development
The purpose of this rulemaking effort is to provide additional clarity and guidance on establishing boating restricted areas pursuant to section 327.46(1)(c), Florida Statutes. 23503214 8/5/2020
Vol. 46/152
View Text Final
Criteria for Approval of Ordinances 9190961 Effective:
View Text Change
Requirements for Applications, Procedures for Reviewing Applications, Procedures for Providing for Public Notice and Participation, Criteria for Approval of Ordinances 9028777 8/20/2010
Vol. 36/33
View Text Proposed
The purpose of this rule adoption is to implement waterway management changes resulting from the passage of Chapter 2009-86 (CS/CS/HB/1423), Laws of Florida, which modified Section 327.46, Florida Statutes, as it relates .... 8658722 5/28/2010
Vol. 36/21
View Text Public Meeting
Public input on a proposed new rule Chapter 68D-21, F.A.C. The purpose of this rule is to implement waterway management permit-related procedures ....
  Monday, May 17, 2010, 5:15 p.m.
  Bryant Building, Room 272, 620 S. Meridian Street, Tallahassee, ....
8608185 5/7/2010
Vol. 36/18
View Text Workshop
This rule development workshop is being held in response to a written request. The workshop will involve the development of rule text for Chapter ....
  January 26, 2010, 4:00 p.m.
  Bryant Building, Room 272, 620 S. Meridian Street, Tallahassee, ....
8052375 12/24/2009
Vol. 35/51
View Text Development
The purpose of this amendment is to implement a system for receiving, reviewing, and approving or rejecting municipal and county ordinances establishing boating-restricted areas where necessary to manage and promote the .... 7940728 11/25/2009
Vol. 35/47