Rule: 64B8-30.003 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Physician Assistant Licensure
Department: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: Board of Medicine

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 6/12/2022
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 456.013, 456.031(2), 456.033, 458.309, 458.347 FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.0135, 456.017, 456.031, 456.033, 456.0635, 458.347, 459.022 FS. History–New 4-28-76, Amended 11-15-78, 10-23-80, 12-4-85, Formerly 21M-17.03, Amended 5-13-87, 11-15-88, 11-15-90, 1-9-92, 5-6-93, Formerly 21M-17.003, Amended 9-21-93, Formerly 61F6-17.003, Amended 9-8-94, 11-30-94, 10-25-95, 3-25-96, Formerly 59R-30.003, Amended 6-7-98, 8-19-99, 5-28-00, 3-3-02, 5-19-03, 10-19-03, 11-17-03, 9-5-05, 12-12-05, 10-30-06, 2-25-07, 5-20-09, 2-2-10, 12-6-10, 1-27-13, 2-22-15, 7-27-16, 9-26-16, 12-4-16, 9-23-20, 6-23-21, 12-6-21, 6-12-22.
References in this version: Ref-13885 DH-MQA 1076
Ref-14269 DH-MQA 2000 Physician Assistant Application for Licensure
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to incorporate the application for Temporary Certificate for Physician Assistants to Practice in Areas of Critical Need and will also update the rule text. 28581940 7/26/2024
Vol. 50/146
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 25912985 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendment is intended to clarify and modify the incorporated application form relating to questions regarding malpractice and settlement agreements. 25770492 4/18/2022
Vol. 48/75
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to clarify and modify the incorporated application. 25723156 4/1/2022
Vol. 48/64
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 25292961 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed amendments are intended to update the rule’s language and the incorporated applications to implement statutory changes from Chapters 2021-190, 2021-199, and 2021-204, Laws of Florida. 25107400 10/6/2021
Vol. 47/194
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of rule amendments to conform the rule language and incorporated applications to statutory revisions made by Chapters 2021-190, 2021-199, and 2021-204, Laws of Florida. 25041246 9/21/2021
Vol. 47/183
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 24662267 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendment is intended to clarify and modify the application form and the supervision data form. 24408418 4/13/2021
Vol. 47/71
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to clarify and modify the application form and the supervision data form. 24342070 3/24/2021
Vol. 47/57
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 23617383 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendment is intended to incorporate the revised application form into the rule. 23452095 7/22/2020
Vol. 46/142
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to incorporate revised applications into the rule. 23355192 6/18/2020
Vol. 46/119
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 18288591 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendment incorporates the revised physician assistant licensure application which deletes the question regarding the applicant’s place of birth. 18068886 9/29/2016
Vol. 42/190
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 17994293 Effective:
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to incorporate the revised physician assistant licensure application which removes the place of birth from the licensure questions. 17992644 9/13/2016
Vol. 42/178
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendments incorporate the revised physician assistant licensure application and delete the language requiring prevention of medical errors education at the time of initial licensure. 17835989 8/3/2016
Vol. 42/150
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 17764597 Effective:
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to incorporate the revised physician assistant licensure application and to delete the language requiring prevention of medical errors education at the time of initial .... 17781281 7/19/2016
Vol. 42/139
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendments incorporate the revised physician assistant licensure application and incorporate the temporary license extension form into the rule. 17615411 6/7/2016
Vol. 42/110
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to incorporate modifications to the physician assistant licensure application including modifications to comply with background screening requirements and other changes .... 17281052 3/15/2016
Vol. 42/51
View Text Variances
variance filed by Robert Alan Glenn, from Rules 64B8-1.007, 30.003, and 64B15-6.003, F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for submission of verification of P.A. program graduation. Comments on this petition should be filed .... 16238399 7/17/2015
Vol. 41/138
View Text Variances
that the Petition for Waiver filed by Aaron Tate, PA-C., on April 21, 2015, has been withdrawn upon request of the Petitioner. The Petition, seeking a waiver or variance from Rules 64B8-30.003, 1.007 & 64B15-6.003, F.A.C., .... 15984162 5/12/2015
Vol. 41/92
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed by Aaron Tate, PA-C, from Rules 64B8-30.003, 1.007, and 64B15-6.003, F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for submission of the Petitioner’s diploma. Comments on this petition should be filed with .... 15927029 4/23/2015
Vol. 41/79
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 15665711 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendment is intended to incorporate the revised physician assistant licensure application into the licensure rule. 15409437 12/18/2014
Vol. 40/244
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to incorporate the revised physician assistant licensure application. 15330673 12/2/2014
Vol. 40/232
View Text Variances
variance filed by Carol Scott, PAC, from Rules 64B8-1.007, 30.003, and 64B15-6.003, F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for submission of documentation of physician assistant education directly from Petitioner’s school. .... 15062371 9/16/2014
Vol. 40/180
View Text Variances
variance filed by Cecilia R. Castro, from Rules 64B8-1.007, 64B8-30.003, and 64B15-6.003, F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for primary source verification of physician assistant education. Comments on this petition .... 12573157 1/28/2013
Vol. 39/18
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 12519225 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendments are intended to clarify the physician assistant licensure and renewal rules and the fee rule in response to recent statutory changes. 12201162 10/26/2012
Vol. 38/59
View Text Variances
that on October 20, 2010, an Order was filed on the Petition for Waiver or Variance. The Petition for Waiver was filed by Michelle L. Snyder, on August 3, 2010, seeking a waiver from Rule 64B8-30.003, F.A.C., with regard .... 12021227 9/28/2012
Vol. 38/39
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of rule amendments to address changes to these rules in response to recent amendments to the statutes regarding physician assistants. 11646128 6/29/2012
Vol. 38/26
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed on behalf of Tomas J. Chao, from Rule 64B8-30.003, F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation for physician assistant applicants. Comments on this petition should be filed .... 9936988 5/27/2011
Vol. 37/21
View Text Variances
That the Petition for Waiver or Variance filed by Jilpa Patel, P.A., has been withdrawn, upon request of the Petitioner. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 37, No. 10, of the March 11, 2011, .... 9914581 5/20/2011
Vol. 37/20
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed by Jilpa Patel, from Rule 64B8-30.003, F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation for physician assistant applicants. Comments on this petition should be filed with: Board .... 9714567 3/11/2011
Vol. 37/10
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 9432491 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendments are intended to incorporate the revised Supervision Data Form, the revised Application for Licensure As a Prescribing Physician Assistant, and the Application for Changes to the Prescribing License .... 9213368 10/8/2010
Vol. 36/40
View Text Variances
The Petition for Waiver and/or Variance was filed by Teresa Hoye Doolittle, PA-C, on July 6, 2010, seeking a waiver or variance from Rule 64B8-30.003, F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation .... 9070487 9/3/2010
Vol. 36/35
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed by Michelle L. Snyder, from Rule 64B8-30.003, F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation for physician assistant applicants. Comments on this petition should be filed with .... 8985612 8/13/2010
Vol. 36/32
View Text Variances
The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 36, No. 26, of the July 2, 2010, issue of the F.A.W. 8981053 8/13/2010
Vol. 36/32
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed by Teresa Hoye Doolittle, PA-C, from Rule 64B8-30.003, F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation for physician assistant applicants. Comments on this petition should be .... 8902095 7/23/2010
Vol. 36/29
View Text Variances
The Petition for Waiver or Variance filed by Teresa Hoye Doolittle has been withdrawn, upon request of the Petitioner. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 36, No. 22, of the June 4, 2010, .... 8865526 7/16/2010
Vol. 36/28
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed on behalf of Frank Kolovrat, Jr., P.A., from subsection 64B8-30.003(1), F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation for physician assistant applicants. Comments on this petition .... 8823913 7/2/2010
Vol. 36/26
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of rule amendments to address prescribing physician assistants and dispensing physician assistants. 8767459 6/18/2010
Vol. 36/24
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed by Teresa Hoye Doolittle, PA-C, from Rule 64B8-30.003, F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation for physician assistant applicants. Comments on this petition should be .... 8716437 6/4/2010
Vol. 36/22
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 8199427 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendment is intended to incorporate the revised application for licensure as a physician assistant in the application rule. 7965366 11/25/2009
Vol. 35/47
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to incorporate the revised PA application form in the rule. 7847511 10/30/2009
Vol. 35/43
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed by Martha E. Mixa, P.A., from subsection 64B8-30.003(1), F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation for physician assistant applicants. Comments on this petition should .... 7613450 9/11/2009
Vol. 35/36
View Text Variances
The Petition for Waiver and/or Variance was filed by Petrea P. Tomko, on April 28, 2009, seeking a waiver or variance from Rule 64B8-30.003, F.A.C., with regard to the rule provision which requires letters of recommendation .... 7328755 7/2/2009
Vol. 35/26
View Text Variances
The Petition for Waiver and/or Variance was filed by Rosa Marie Singleton, on April 28, 2009, seeking a waiver or variance from Rule 64B8-30.003, F.A.C., with regard to the rule provision which requires letters of recommendation .... 7328658 7/2/2009
Vol. 35/26
View Text Variances
Rosa Marie Singleton, from Rule 64B8-30.003, F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation for physician assistant applicants. Comments on this petition should be filed with the Board of Medicine, .... 7161430 5/22/2009
Vol. 35/20
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 7117780 Effective:
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed by Petrea P. Tomko, from subsection 64B8-30.003(1), F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation for physician assistant applicants. Comments on this petition should be filed .... 7101290 5/8/2009
Vol. 35/18
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendment is intended to incorporate the revised application for licensure as a physician assistant in the application rule. 6900403 3/20/2009
Vol. 35/11
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed by Victoria Bodine, from subsection 64B8-30.003(1), F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation for physician assistant applicants. Comments on this petition should be filed .... 6889927 3/13/2009
Vol. 35/10
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of a rule amendment to incorporate the PA application for licensure in the appropriate PA rule. 6702038 1/30/2009
Vol. 35/04
View Text Variances
The Petition for Waiver and/or Variance was filed by Thomas (Tom) Timothy P.A., on April 30, 2008, seeking a waiver or variance from Rule 64B8-30.003, F.A.C., with regard to the rule provision which requires letters of .... 6141087 9/19/2008
Vol. 34/38
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed by Tom Timothy, from Rule 64B8-30.003(1), F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation for physician assistant applicants. Comments on this petition should be filed with .... 5601088 5/9/2008
Vol. 34/19
View Text Public Meeting
To Conduct Council Business
  January 31, 2008 at 3:00 p.m.
  Hyatt Regency 225 East Coastline Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32202
5068558 1/25/2008
Vol. 34/04
View Text Variances
The Petition for Waiver and/or Variance was filed by Lisa Celeste Abchee, on November 6, 2007, seeking a waiver or variance from Rule 64B8-30.003(1), F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation .... 5042950 12/28/2007
Vol. 33/52
View Text Variances
5042853 12/28/2007
Vol. 33/52
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed by Lisa Celeste Abchee, from subsection 64B8-30.003(1), F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for letters of recommendation for physician assistant applicants. Comments on this petition should be .... 4862142 11/16/2007
Vol. 33/46
View Text Variances
waiver or variance filed by Lisa Francis-Smith, MPH, PA-C, from subsection 64B8-30.003(2), F.A.C., with regard to the requirement for a review course for applicants who fail to pass the PANCE within 5 attempts. Comments .... 4841869 11/9/2007
Vol. 33/45
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 3803775 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendments are intended to amend continuing medical education (CME) for initial and renewal of licensure pursuant to changes in Chapter 456, Florida Statutes. 3296368 12/22/2006
Vol. 32/51
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 3087042 Effective:
View Text Development
The Board proposes the development of rule amendments to address statutory changes for continuing education requirements for initial licensure and licensure renewal. 624309 9/8/2006
Vol. 32/36
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendment is intended to remove the word “notarized” from the statement requirement. 652730 9/1/2006
Vol. 32/35
View Text Development
The proposed rule amendment is intended to remove the word “notarized” from the statement requirement. 434868 6/23/2006
Vol. 32/25
View Text Final
Physician Assistant Licensure 2417548 Effective: