Notice of Declaratory Statement

Health Facility and Agency Licensing
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Agency for Health Care Administration has received the petition for declaratory statement from Israel A. Gomez, Arilys Rutkevich and Bernardo R. ReyesThe petition seeks the agency's opinion as to the applicability of Section 408.803(5), Florida Statutes (2009) as it applies to the petitioner.
Petitioner intends to purchase the stock of an existing health care clinic in two transactions and asks under Section 408.803(5) (effective July 1, 2009), Florida Statutes, whether an “event in which 51% or more of the ownership, shares, members, or controlling interest” of the licensee is considered transferred or assigned requiring a change of ownership application.
A copy of the Petition for Declaratory Statement may be obtained by contacting: Agency Clerk. Please refer all comments to: Agency Clerk.