Notice of Declaratory Statement

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Florida Department of Revenue has received the petition for declaratory statement from Jesse Toca.The petition seeks the agency's opinion as to the applicability of Section 196.011(11), Florida Statutes, and subsection 12D-7.001(4), Florida Administrative Code, as it applies to the petitioner.
Petitioner is seeking a declaratory statement which declares and holds that a taxpayer may decline to provide a social security number, as required by Section 196.011(11), Florida Statutes and subsection 12D-7.001(4), Florida Administrative Code, if the taxpayer establishes that providing a social security number substantially burdens the taxpayer’s sincerely held religious beliefs.
A copy of the Petition for Declaratory Statement may be obtained by contacting: Nancy Purvis, Agency Clerk, Department of Revenue, Office of General Counsel, Post Office Box 6668, Tallahassee, FL 32314-6668, (850)617-8347.
Please refer all comments to: Nancy Purvis, Department of Revenue, Office of General Counsel at (850)617-8347.