Notice of Variances and Waivers

Board of Pharmacy
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on November 03, 2009, the Board of Pharmacy has issued an order.
The Order is on the Petition for Variance or Waiver filed on August 7, 2009, by Amy Larissa DeDea. Petitioner was seeking a variance or waiver of Section 465.009(1), F.S., entitled, “Continuing Professional Pharmaceutical Education” which requires that the licensee submit satisfactory proof to the board that during the 2 years prior to her or his application for renewal, the licensee has participated in not less than 30 hours of continuing professional pharmaceutical education in courses approved by the board. The Notice of Petition published on August 21, 2009, in Vol. 35, No. 33, of the Florida Administrative Weekly.
The Board of Pharmacy considered the Petition at a duly-noticed meeting held on October 14, 2009, Tallahassee, Florida. The Board’s Order denied the petition finding that statutes cannot be waived.
A copy of the Order may be obtained by contacting: Rebecca Poston, R.Ph., Executive Director, Board of Pharmacy, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C04, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3254.