Rule: 69K-18.001 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Embalmer Intern Training Program.
Department: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: Division of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer Services

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 2/20/2019
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 497.103, 497.370 FS. Law Implemented 497.140, 497.368, 497.370, 497.371 FS. History–New 11-11-79, Amended 7-28-80, 8-10-83, 10-16-85, Formerly 21J-18.01, Amended 12-11-88, 11-15-92, Formerly 21J-18.001, Amended 1-8-95, 7-14-99, Formerly 61G8-18.001, Amended 1-5-17, 2-20-19.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Correction
Embalmer Intern Training Program. , Funeral Director Intern Training Program. , Concurrent Internships. , Intern Training Agencies. 28706391 9/3/2024
Vol. 50/172
View Text Proposed
The proposed rulemaking will incorporate a recent change to Rule 69K-18.004, F.A.C., into Form DFS-N1-1749, reducing the number of embalming cases required per year in order to become a training agency. The rulemaking reduces .... 28611331 8/5/2024
Vol. 50/152
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The proposed rulemaking will incorporate a recent change to Rule 69K-18.004, F.A.C., into Form DFS-N1-1749, reducing the number of embalming cases required per year in order to become a training agency. The rulemaking reduces .... 28598236 8/1/2024
Vol. 50/150
View Text Variances
that the request for waiver, by Dillon Mazzoni, was granted at the November 5, 2020, Board Meeting. 23877537 11/13/2020
Vol. 46/222
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waiver of certain requirements of Rule 69K-18.001, F.A.C. The petition was filed on behalf of Dillon Mazzoni, who had previously been issued an embalmer internship license. The license is valid for one year. Mr. Mazzoni .... 23686253 9/24/2020
Vol. 46/187
View Text Development
The proposed rule amendment is to implement conditions under which a combination internship may be renewed for one year. 22279656 8/20/2019
Vol. 45/162
View Text Final
Embalmer Intern Training Program. 21480085 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendments are intended to modify, clarify and update the language as needed. 21313827 12/31/2018
Vol. 44/252
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The proposed rule amendments are intended to modify, clarify and update the language as needed. 20556160 6/19/2018
Vol. 44/119
View Text Final
Embalmer Intern Training Program. 18387240 Effective:
View Text Proposed
Subsection 497.370(2), F.S., requires an applicant for internship under the Embalmer Intern Training Program to meet the requirements of paragraphs 497.368(1)(b)-(e), F.S. Currently Rule 69K-18.001, F.A.C., only requires .... 16794112 11/19/2015
Vol. 41/225
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Embalmer Intern Training Program. , Funeral Director Intern Training Program. 16106673 6/15/2015
Vol. 41/115
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Subsection 497.370(2), F.S., requires an applicant for internship under the Embalmer Intern Training Program to meet the requirements of paragraphs 497.368(1)(b)-(e), F.S. Currently Rule 69K-18.001, F.A.C., only requires .... 16083102 6/8/2015
Vol. 41/110
View Text Final
Embalmer Intern Training Program. 3429840 Effective: