Rule Chapter: 6C9-2
Chapter Title: ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 6C9-2.003 Grading Practice and Grade Point Average (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C9-2.004 Declaratory Statements (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C9-2.005 Continuing Education (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C9-2.006 Use of University Library (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C9-2.009 Sponsored Research; Exemptions From General Accounting and Purchasing Procedures (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C9-2.010 Copyrights and Patents (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C9-2.011 Deletion of Courses from Catalogs and Common Course Designation and Numbering System (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C9-2.012 Religious Observances (Repealed) 6/21/2011