Rule Chapter: 6C1-1
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 6C1-1.006 University of Florida; Non-Discrimination Policy (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.0061 University of Florida; Affirmative Action Plan for Equal Employment Opportunity, and Administrative Organization for the Affirmative Action Program (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.0063 University of Florida; Affirmative Action; Complaints and Appeal Procedures for Academic Personnel (AP), Technical, Executive, Administrative and Managerial Support (TEAMS) Staff Members, and University Support Personnel System (USPS) Employees (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.007 University of Florida; Code of Penalties (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.008 University of Florida; Disruptive Behavior (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.009 University of Florida; Employment of Relatives (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.0101 University of Florida; Policy for Dealing with Conduct in Research (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.0102 University of Florida; Policies on Information Technology (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.011 University of Florida; Disclosure and Regulation of Outside Activities and Financial Interests (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.012 University of Florida; Tuition-Free Courses (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.015 University of Florida; Community Campaign (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.016 University of Florida; Admissions (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.017 University of Florida; Separations from Employment and Layoff (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.018 University of Florida; Works and Inventions (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.019 University of Florida; Limited Access Records 1/7/2003
Rule file 6C1-1.100 University of Florida; General Personnel Policy (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.101 University of Florida; Compensation (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.200 University of Florida; Benefits, Retirement Programs, Employment Services, and Holidays (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.201 University of Florida; Leaves (Repealed) 6/21/2011
Rule file 6C1-1.300 University of Florida; Direct Support Organizations 6/3/2003