Rule Chapter: 68B-27
Chapter Title: OYSTERS Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 68B-27.013 Definitions 1/26/2021
Rule file 68B-27.014 Statewide Bag Limits on Oyster Harvesting 1/26/2021
Rule file 68B-27.015 Oyster Size Limit 10/7/2001
Rule file 68B-27.016 Oyster Harvest Monitoring 11/29/1993
Rule file 68B-27.017 Apalachicola Bay Oyster Harvesting Restrictions 1/26/2021
Rule file 68B-27.0175 West Bay (Bay County) Oyster Harvesting Restrictions 6/25/2018
Rule file 68B-27.018 Statewide Harvesting Restrictions 1/26/2021
Rule file 68B-27.019 Seasons 1/26/2021
Rule file 68B-27.020 Applicability to Oysters on Leased Parcels 3/10/1991