Rule Chapter: 63D-13
Chapter Title: Probation and Community Corrections Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 63D-13.001 Definitions 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.002 Assessment of Youth 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0021 Detention Screening 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0022 Intake Screening 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0023 Initial Mental Health and Substance Abuse Screening 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0024 Comprehensive Assessment 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0025 Comprehensive Evaluation 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.003 Diversion 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.004 Community Supervision 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0041 Transfers of Supervision 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0042 Violations of Supervision 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0043 Termination of Supervision 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.005 Juvenile Assessment Centers 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0051 Admission of Youth 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0052 Screening for Medical Conditions and Handling 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0053 Holding Cells 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0054 Release of Youth 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.006 Non-Residential Facilities 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0061 Safety and Administration 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0062 Service Delivery 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0063 Minimum-Risk Commitment 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0064 Progress Reports 5/4/2020
Rule file 63D-13.0065 Release 5/4/2020