FAR Issue Vol. 49/No. 68 Section V  
Issue Date: April 7, 2023
Total number of notices in Section V:    3

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variance or waiver filed by Janette Knowlton on behalf of Charlotte County. The Petitioner is seeking a variance of paragraph 60FF1-5.013(4)(a), F.A.C., which states, to participate in this program, each medium and large .... 27028388 4/7/2023
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variance or waiver filed by Tai Moultrie Roberts. Petitioner seeks a permanent variance or waiver of rule 61H1-28.0052(1)(b), F.A.C., regarding the timeframes with respect to the CPA Examination, which requires that candidates .... 27028485 4/7/2023
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variance from Rule 65E-12.110(1)(a) and (c), Florida Administrative Code, from Citrus Health Network, Inc. Those rule provisions describe the applicability of chapters 65E-12 and 65E-5, Fla. Admin. Code, to Crisis Stabilization .... 27029552 4/7/2023
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